Search Results for water escape

How to Finally Get Some Work Done: Kidnap a Handyman

I guess it was more the false imprisonment that got the work done. The kidnapping per se didn't happen until the end of his "shift." The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a couple in Santa Clara (south of SF) was arrested this…

Buddy Trahan Needs a Ride

The beginning of a motion filed in Louisiana on February 21, 2012: IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA  IN RE: OIL SPILL by the OIL RIG "DEEPWATER HORIZON"                 …

Bay City Rollers Reunite for Lawsuit

The Wall Street Journal’s excellent law blog reported this week that the members of the 1970s band "The Bay City Rollers" have filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York seeking royalties from their label, Arista Records. Those…

Endangered Species Rescued from Smuggler’s Pants

Robert Cusack was sentenced to five and a half months in prison for smuggling a variety of endangered species into the United States from Thailand in 2002.  In addition to the four birds of paradise and 50 rare orchids that…